
What Activities We Support and How To Apply For Funding

The Harvey Goldberg Memorial Lectures

The Harvey Goldberg Center will support an annual lecture by an outstanding historian whose work embodies or extends the spirit of the late Prof. Goldberg’s bequest for the Center, which he dedicated to “the struggle against racism, bigotry, imperialism and economic deprivation” [History Department Legislative Code, Title 6, Section 2, Feb. 5, 1988]. The speaker will receive all expenses and an honorarium of $1,000, and the Center will underwrite a luncheon and a dinner for a small group.This year the annual nomination deadline will be April 15; if the resulting pool fails to yield a suitable speaker, we will announce a second phase with a deadline of September 15. Nominations should come in the form of a letter describing the nominee’s research and abilities, submitted via email to the chair, as below.

Major support for academic conferences

Every few years the Goldberg Center offers primary support of up to $13,000 for an academic conference. There is no deadline; those interested in discussing or proposing a possible conference should address a preliminary letter of inquiry to the Board. Members of the Board will also be happy to talk informally with proposers prior to such submission.

Support for speakers, symposia, and other projects, large and small.

The Center will offer up to $500 in primary sponsorship and $350 in secondary sponsorship for visiting lecturers. Priority is given to proposals that are historical, whether they originate in History or in other units of the University. Funds available will depend on other outstanding commitments, and the committee will consider proposals on a rolling basis until available funds are committed. PLEASE NOTE that projects receiving primary funding from the Goldberg Center are expected to seek support from other sources as well.

To make a proposal, please email the Board chair at with a brief description of the speaker or project, the proposed budget, and other potential sources of funding.

The Goldberg Center is the History Department’s sole source of independent intellectual seed capital and has played a role in bring leading members of the profession to campus, some of them dissidents or gadflies who would not be invited to hold forth from conventional podia. Reflecting Harvey Goldberg’s concerns, the Center has a commitment to exploring critical scholarship and pedagogy, particularly at the undergraduate level. It seeks, moreover, to integrate historical inquiry with contemporary concerns, following Harvey Goldberg’s inspired example in his famous course, “Contemporary Societies.”